Last updated: 20 ก.ค. 2566 | 1360 จำนวนผู้เข้าชม |
Cell Matrix Story
Nutrients from cell matrix technology can be quickly movefrom the bloodstreaminto the body’s tissues and are completelyutilized by target cells. After that they are totally eliminated from the body.
These kinetics of the nutrients from cell matrix technology; similarly,a dietary-separately extracted supplements as a single chemical nutrient.
In the past, many people believed that they could soley consume the food and get the adequate nutrition. Over the last decades, there was also a marked increase in dietary and food supplements in Thai consumers. This trend has been predicted to continually increase.
From Nielsen study in September 2008,
The survey conducted found most of the people across the world (52 countries) consume dietary supplement. According to these findings, Usage frequency and reason of dietary supplements were reported. Top countries in the global dietary supplements market were Thailand and the Philippines (66%), Lithuania(59%), Taiwan and the US (56%), respectively.
Finally,there are many variables that affect the purchase decision of dietary supplement are not only Brand Image but alsoEducation and Health Consciousness.
Moreover, the availability of a number of dietary supplements in the market makes them more accessible to consumers. Thus, people can easily buy dietary supplements from the nearest pharmacy or retail stores. This, in turn, leads to more consumption of dietary supplements.
Surprisingly, there are different types of available in the market including vitamins, botanicals, minerals, proteins & amino acids, fibers & specialty carbohydrates, and omega fatty acids; Nevertheless, most of them which are usually chemically relatively pure and are synthesized in an isolated form (Isolated vitamins and minerals).
There is some difference between vitamins or minerals in supplements and vitamins or minerals in food. Some chemical structure is different whether made by mother nature in food or made as a supplement in a laboratory.
In recent, there are different types of isolated vitamins and minerals available in the marketfor example vitamin C, vitamin B, Calcium and etc. Therefore, most consumers believe that the usage of supplements in isolated from has become a common practice.
Ascorbic acid as an example, however, is never isolated in nature, but occurs in a food matrix, molecularly embedded to other food elements including bioflavonoids, proteins, carbohyDr.ates and lipids. This food form is just what the body requires to process the nutrients. On the other hand the body has difficulty in recognizing and processing the chemically isolated forms. The digestive process requires a delivery system where nutrients are taken from the gut into serum (the blood) so that they can be utilized appropriately. The delivery system is dependent on proteins to provide the vehicle for transport. Because isolated chemicals are not embedded to protein, they are poorly absorbed and bioavailability is retarded. The absorption factor for most chemical isolates is in the area of 5% and very rarely exceeds 20%. This may be the reason that many scientists and doctors have suggested that taking large amounts of supplements is only useful for producing expensive urine.
20 ก.ค. 2566
20 ก.ค. 2566